With all the daily chaos resulting from COVID-19, we need to be reminded that life continues to happen beyond our living room walls and our protective face masks! Do you remember the 2020 Census? It’s been happening every 10 years since 1790 in our country, and it’s not being canceled because of COVID-19.
By now, every household has received at least one reminder in the mail. If you didn’t respond to that one either online or by mail, you’ll be getting another reminder soon. Keep putting it off and you’ll receive a phone call and eventually a personal visit from a “census-taker” when it is safe to do so. So far, about 4 out of 10 Americans have been counted. Here is the latest response rate as of April 9.
California: 43.1% of San Francisco County households have responded, 53.8% of San Mateo County, 50.9% of Alameda County, and 50.2% of Marin County. Texas: 45.0% of Travis County, 49.1% of Williamson County, and 40.3% of Hays County.
When you respond to the census, you help your community gets its fair share of the more than $825 billion per year in federal funds spent on local schools, hospitals, roads, public works, and nearly 100 vital programs. It is estimated that everyone who is counted represents $1,800 in additional government funding.
Take advantage of the extra time you have at home and spend a few minutes completing and submitting your census form online. Visit census.gov. Do it now.
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