If you believe everyone deserves equal access to technology & computer skills training, please donate to Ready, Set, Connect! today: http://bit.ly/supportoaklandyouth For a limited time–your donation will be doubled thanks to a matching grant from Twitter. FACT: It’s estimated that 100,000 San Francisco residents, and even more across the Bay Area, don’t have access to the internet or the skills and know-how to use it. FACT: It’s hard to get a job in the U.S. without access to the internet. (Even a job that has nothing to do with the internet.) It’s also hard to find a place to live. FACT: Not having a computer and internet service at home keeps people in poverty. Community Technology Network is working to end that cycle of poverty while helping youth in Oakland succeed in life through our Ready, Set, Connect! program. Learn more about our work here: http://bit.ly/supportoaklandyouth
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