Beverly Black's pre-pandemic life was busy, including work as a childcare provider three days a week until the March lockdown in New York City left her alone at home.... read more →
"Be the change you want to see in the world" is Emma Reeder’s favorite quote. After seeing it on a bumper sticker in the fourth grade, Emma knew she wanted... read more →
According to a report by the Older Adults Technology Services, nearly 22 million American seniors do not have broadband access at home, representing 42 percent of the nation’s over-65 population. As... read more →
CTN IS HELPING SOLVE ONLINE VACCINE REGISTRATION ISSUES According to a report by the Older Adults Technology Services, nearly 22 million American seniors do not have broadband access at home,... read more →
In 2017, "personal data" was deemed the most valuable resource in the world … yet 46 percent of consumers feel they've lost control over their own data (Salesforce). It is... read more →
Older adult learners are curious about new technology, but many lack the support and training necessary to use it. The internet can be an incredible tool for communication, creativity, and... read more →
CTN volunteer Sean Lee adheres to the Asian philosophy of "filial piety"— he was taught to have the utmost respect for his elders and a dedication to serving them. "Since... read more →
Community Tech Network is pleased to announce a generous donation of 50 NETGEAR hotspots, along with reduced-cost internet access enabled by AT&T, to accelerate the expansion of our Home Connect... read more →
Baofei Miao arrived in the Bay Area 30 years ago from China with her husband and their children. She worked with the Chinese postal service and in the telecommunications industry... read more →
2020 — A YEAR OF CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY We encourage you to read our perspective on an extraordinary year and our preparations for 2021. Every aspect of our lives was affected... read more →