The digital divide goes beyond broadband access; it is an issue of social infrastructure, a lack of digital literacy, and an uneven distribution of technology. But how does the digital... read more →
“Gone are the days of one needing to ‘travel’ to gain access to the internet,” says Stephen Minor, CTN's senior program manager. “Equal access means bringing the internet directly to... read more →
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the student is really ready, the teacher will disappear. (Lao Tzu) Only an ancient proverb could describe the delightfully surprising... read more →
The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that the digital divide is a persisting problem in our country, and it's not going to solve itself. As libraries and community centers remain... read more →
How do I take a screenshot? What happens when I click the microphone button on Zoom? Where do I go to send videos and photos to friends? These are a... read more →
According to a report by the Older Adults Technology Services, nearly 22 million American seniors do not have broadband access at home, representing 42 percent of the nation’s over-65 population. As... read more →
CTN volunteer Sean Lee adheres to the Asian philosophy of "filial piety"— he was taught to have the utmost respect for his elders and a dedication to serving them. "Since... read more →
Community Tech Network is pleased to announce a generous donation of 50 NETGEAR hotspots, along with reduced-cost internet access enabled by AT&T, to accelerate the expansion of our Home Connect... read more →
Photo: Some of 2020's Home Connect older adult learners, volunteer digital coaches, and supporting CTN staff members. We are used to sharing heartwarming, inspirational stories in this space. In 2020,... read more →
CTN's digital literacy training programs over the past 12 years have a common denominator — reliance on both professional staff trainers and dedicated, trained volunteers to deliver programs in the... read more →