On Friday, April 29, residents from Family Eldercare’s Northloop Apartments joined Adobe volunteers to receive digital skills training for a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) day. Adobe recently partnered with CTN to offer quarterly Tech Teach-In (TTI) opportunities for adult learners in locations around central Texas.
Adobe has contributed over $57 million in community giving and has a variety of programs that encourage employees to volunteer in their communities. Adobe supports volunteer efforts by giving the volunteers funds and opportunities to take action in their local communities. For every hour a team member donates, Adobe provides a cash match and a potential grant to the nonprofit they volunteered for.
Adobe Austin Action Team Committee Lead Tamera Davis recruited nine volunteers for this TTI event and will continue the recruitment for future events. “Community Tech Network is working hard in central Texas to close the digital gap, and Adobe is proud to to be a partner in this effort. Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn how to use a device, whether it is to connect with family and friends, to listen to music, or to research and enroll in programs to enrich their lives.”
Residents brought tablets, smartphones, and laptops to have their questions answered. Some of the learners were graduates from CTN’s Connect @ Home 12-week tablet class that ended in January of this year. Connect @ Home graduate Stella Antone had specific questions about communicating on her device, hoping to continue talking with her daughter in Florida. She commented, “My daughter was so thrilled that I learned how to use Google hangouts to make calls.”
The next Adobe TTI event will be held over the summer at the RBJ center in downtown Austin. For information on CTN’s Teach-In events in central Texas, contact Jessica Looney at jessica@communitytechnetwork.org, and for events in San Francisco, contact Eric Babb at eric@communitytechnetwork.org.
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