CTN is excited to partner with Twitter on their NeighborNest, a computer lab in the Tenderloin that provides services to low-income and homeless families and youth. I was lucky to be the one who kicked off the series of four digital literacy workshops in March.
These classes, offered to Compass Family Services and Hamilton Family Center clients, focused on building their basic computer and Internet skills as well as their confidence. I also trained eight Twitter employees who joined in the effort to bridge the digital divide by assisting in each workshop. The core group of learners, Nara, Lucho, Dave, and Nicole, came in to the class with different knowledge and skills levels.
I am really looking forward to teaching the next round of digital literacy workshops en español in June 2016!
Pictured here are two proud participants who completed the class and had this to say: “One of the most useful things I learned was how to use a portable hard drive. It makes carrying assignments easier. And downloading pictures. Keeping important info with you on the go.”
One of the volunteers from Twitter had this to say when reflecting on their experience helping clients: “Watching Lucho create an email or Nara figuring out what a GIF was, was pretty darn cool. Just for them to be excited and think that technology is cool will go a long way. Those aha moments will keep them coming back.”
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