For over 12 years, CTN has fulfilled its mission of helping seniors join the digital world by engaging them in a variety of public setting such as libraries, senior centers, public housing complexes, and other places where seniors congregate. But, with the mandate for all San Francisco residents to shelter in place, these services and internet access are no longer an option. For seniors lacking home internet, an appropriate device or the skills to access the internet, the resulting isolation is not merely an inconvenience but a potentially life-threatening situation.
Rather than engage seniors in public settings such as libraries and senior centers, CTN has launched Home Connect to bring internet and devices into the homes of seniors who need it the most. We are working with our current partners to gather data on the connectivity needs of their clients. Partners will call their clients and find out if they have internet (beyond what they may use on their smartphone), if they have a device (larger than their smartphone), and if they are able use their device and internet to have video chats, research information, or complete online forms. We will work with the partner to address each senior’s needs, providing support in applying for the internet or configuring a tablet and shipping it to the senior’s home with instructions to call one of the staff members, who will walk them through the basics of using the device over the phone.
We already have a $10k commitment from Metta Fund to support this initiative, but we need the help of the local tech companies, philanthropy and individuals to support getting isolated seniors connected immediately. Follow this link to make a financial contribution to support CTN’s work to provide internet access, devices, and online training to seniors who need it the most.
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