Are you interested in volunteering with Community Tech Network?
In today’s society, those without digital skills are left behind. For example, how can folks schedule doctor’s appointments, search for jobs and apartments, and receive emails from their children’s school teachers if they can’t get online?
By promoting digital inclusion, we are working to overcome systemic inequalities. YOU CAN HELP.
So how do you get started?
CTN’s volunteer application is fairly straightforward – we want to know things like which devices you are comfortable using, what languages you speak, whether you want to serve in person or online, and why you are interested in volunteering with us. These tech volunteer opportunities offer individuals a chance to leverage their skills in using various devices and languages, whether in person or online, to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the community.
After submitting your application, you will receive a follow-up email that includes a link to basic training created by CTN staff. This online training takes about an hour to finish and covers topics like tips for working with older adults. Upon completion of the training, you will be prompted to answer some simple reflection questions.
Next, potential volunteers must complete two virtual state-mandated training sessions. The first one teaches folks how to recognize elder abuse and report it if necessary. The second, an information security training, explores themes such as avoiding internet scams and protecting one’s private information online. Each of these training takes about 30 minutes to complete.
Once you’ve completed all training (approximately two hours total), we will reach out to schedule a phone interview. According to CTN’s volunteer coordinator, Josh Chan, “This call is meant for us to get to know you better so that we can best match you with a learner or organization. You can also discuss any logistics with us during this call, such as how we can help you gain course credit for your volunteer hours, if needed.”
A background check link is then sent to you. Once you are approved to volunteer, we schedule another short video call in which one of our staff members will share their screen and give you a tour of our digital resources. These resources include our volunteer handbook, post-session reporting forms, and sample curricula.
After reviewing these materials, you’re ready to start volunteering!
If you want to volunteer in person, we will work with you to figure out the best placement based on your location and schedule. Many volunteers host drop-in hours and offer tech support each week at our partner community and senior centers.
Those wanting to volunteer remotely can become digital coaches. Our remote learners undergo five basic technology sessions with CTN staff through our Home Connect program. However, many wish to continue learning and sign up for digital coaching, which typically consists of between four and twelve one-hour sessions. As part of our digital coaching initiative, learners are paired with a volunteer and meet virtually to dive deeper into their specific interests. For example, some may be more interested in keeping in touch with family and friends via email, text, and social media, while others might be looking to access entertainment or educational resources online. Our digital coach volunteers adapt their lessons based on learners’ individual needs.
Whew! The process to become a volunteer may seem complicated, but it’s actually quite fast! After submitting an application, some folks start volunteering within two weeks!
So what are you waiting for? By giving just one hour a week, you can change a life. Sign up to volunteer today.
For more information about volunteering with CTN, email Josh Chan,
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