During National Volunteer Week, we had a conversation featuring CTN volunteer Tim Hazen.
How and when did you become involved with CTN? My wife Katrina attends the Ceramic Studio at Aquatic Park, which is just down the hall from the computer lab, and around September of 2018, Jan Freeman mentioned that the lab needed volunteers to help with computer-related issues that seniors face. It sounded like something I could help with, so I volunteered.
Why did you decide to volunteer in the area of digital literacy/inclusion? I have had experience with elderly friends and relatives regarding technology for decades. I am rather technically proficient in audio, video, and some computing, so it seemed like a good fit.
What is your background? I started playing with wires and things like that when I was 10 and just kept experimenting. I am self-taught on computers — both PCs and Macs — and spent 30 years at KPIX-TV Channel 5 CBS as a producer, writer, cameraman, and editor (not news — I made commercials and documentaries), the last 10 years doing almost everything via computers.
What is one of your memorable moments volunteering? Whenever a client walks over and asks me to help with some issue, I always resist the temptation to grab the mouse or touch the screen to remedy the situation. I let them do all the actions, and when they get success, their happiness is my reward.
What have you learned/gained from volunteering? Patience and understanding go a long way …
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