When Margaret Abdilova signed up for a community fund raising event two years ago, she hadn't anticipated how much her high-tech career experience would affect the lives of San Francisco seniors. She attended... read more →
Michael Wiggins has been volunteering with CTN for just over a year now. He works in the tech industry and had been researching opportunities to teach digital literacy in Indonesia.... read more →
On May 18, we cheered on the youth participants of the fifth graduating class of Ready, Set, Connect! Gathering at the Main Library in Oakland, the youth gave their final... read more →
Ready, Set, Connect! is CTN's Oakland-based workforce development program for youth aged 16 to 24. We asked one of this year's participants, Shauna McQueen, to share what she has learned... read more →
Eighteen young people, 30 weeks, 64 hours of professional development training, 953 hours of service to 1,409 community members . . . These are just a few of the statistics... read more →
Our fifth session of Ready, Set, Connect! kicked off on September 20. Wendy Chen, the Teen Outreach Librarian for Oakland Public Library, was involved in the selection process. It was... read more →
Randy Schroeder, now in his early 70s, is not ready to stop working. Having a grandfather who lived to see 100 and retired three times, he likes to stay busy... read more →
Taylor Glas-Hochstettler joined our Digital Literacy Corps in May 2016 and tutors at the Castro Senior Center. Here he shares a bit about his experience as a volunteer and the difference he is making through... read more →
On June 2, Ready, Set, Connect! ended its fourth session with a graduation celebration held at Oakland City Hall. Eighteen young people completed the program with a final project —... read more →
The fourth session of our Ready, Set, Connect! program (RSC) wrapped up last week with another 18 amazing young people completing the 8-month program and helping over 1,000 fellow community... read more →