Community Tech Network is turning 10 — and we have expanded our reach to more communities!
CTN’s transition to a national organization with a presence in both the Bay Area and central Texas specifically addresses the basic digital literacy needs in all communities. Since October, CTN has established local partnerships with the Housing Authority of Austin, Capital IDEA, Family Eldercare, El Buen Samaritano, Foundation Communities, and the JCC.
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) was our first, a group that aims to “cultivate sustainable affordable housing communities and partnerships that inspire self-reliance, growth, and optimism.” CTN is providing a series of trainings for selected students in HACA’s Lab Apprenticeship Program. These trainings will prepare the students to serve affordable-housing residents with the goal of increasing their digital skills to help them re-enter the workforce. CTN has provided all apprentices with personal action plans in order to achieve their goals in the program and in their lives beyond training. The program began in November and will go through August of this year.
Besides the partnerships with nonprofits, CTN is working with a number of local corporate partners including AARP, Dell, IBM, Microsoft, and Wells Fargo. In addition, we are working closely with the city’s Digital Empowerment Community of Austin (DECA) and their working groups.
Volunteers are the key to our success over the years. CTN has had thousands of people help over the last decade. We’ve had nearly 50 board members and hundreds of volunteers who range in age from 13 to 70 and speak multiple languages. The staff at our partner locations do their part to promote the class schedules and get their community members excited about technology. Donors have given their money and connections. Friends and family are constantly recruited to help in a variety of ways. The fact is, there is no way any of this work could have been done without the support of the volunteers.
With the expansion of CTN comes the need for more central Texas volunteers. CTN is always in need of trainers, mentors, and those with expertise in technology. If you’d like to become a volunteer, learn more on our Get Started page or email You can also contact Program Director Jessica Looney directly at Also watch our website and social media for announcements on special events and opportunities to volunteer.
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