Cordelia McGee-Tubb tutors for Curry Senior Center's Senior Vitality program. The program's main goal is to introduce and teach seniors to use technology (primarily iPads and Fitbits) to support their... read more →
Sherry Lee has been coming to the open lab hours at the OMI Senior Center, managed by Catholic Charities, in San Francisco since 2017. She comes to the lab almost... read more →
For National Volunteer Week, we are featuring one of our corporate partners, Google Fiber. The Google Fiber team has participated in two Tech-Teach-In (TTI) events in Austin over the past year,... read more →
Like many designations that divide humanity into categories, age is often thought of as less than others. And "less than" invites marginalization. We live in a world designed by younger... read more →
Last week I was at my favorite conference of the year — the Net Inclusion Conference. Held in Charlotte, North Carolina, the conference brought together policymakers, practitioners, academics, and executives... read more →
Another featured volunteer for National Volunteer Week is Kate Puckett. Kate Puckett is one of CTN's volunteers at Rosa Parks. She is a sophomore biology major at the University of San Francisco, which is... read more →
A staple of the North Loop Apartments community, Bessie Hawkins (shown here in the back left-hand corner) brought an unmatched energy to her Connect @ Home tablet class. Each day,... read more →
During National Volunteer Week, we had a conversation featuring CTN volunteer Tim Hazen. How and when did you become involved with CTN? My wife Katrina attends the Ceramic Studio at Aquatic... read more →
Brenna Carrick became involved with Community Tech Network when a member of her sorority posted the volunteer opportunity on their website! She is currently working as a Junior Design major... read more →
I was excited to attend my very first Net Inclusion conference and honored to moderate the session on Digital Inclusion for People with Disabilities to discuss how digital inclusion is a... read more →