MAY IS OLDER AMERICAN MONTH! This month, we are raising awareness about older adults’ lack of internet access and how it negatively impacts their health outcomes. About 42%... read more →
IT'S VOLUNTEER MONTH - CTN VOLUNTEERS TRANSFORM LIVES! As a young professional in San Francisco’s tech sector, Mary Grace Reich wanted to find a way to give back to the... read more →
CELEBRATING 14 YEARS OF DIGITAL EQUITY! When CTN officially gained its nonprofit status in 2008, only 55% of Americans had access to in-home broadband internet. Twitter was just getting off the... read more →
EXPANDING DIGITAL INCLUSION WITH THE CITY OF AUSTIN “Technology raises the ceiling of what is possible, but it also raises the floor of what you need to be... read more →
THANK YOU FOR A YEAR OF TRANSFORMATION & GROWTH! As we welcome a new year, we look back on 2021 with pride and gratitude. Over the year, we... read more →
YOUR GIFT FOSTERS CONNECTION! With the holidays right around the corner, many of us are preparing to reunite with loved ones and gather with friends. But for older... read more →
2020 ANNUAL REPORT NOW AVAILABLE! We are excited to share our 2020 Annual Report — now live on our site! In it, you’ll find stories of challenge, change, and perseverance.... read more →
CTN CELEBRATES ANOTHER DIGITAL INCLUSION WEEK! Every year, Digital Inclusion Week (DIW) raises awareness of solutions addressing home internet access, personal devices, local technology training, and support programs. Sponsored by the... read more →
INCREASING DIGITAL INCLUSION WITH AT&T AND METTA FUND With fall in full swing, CTN is staying busy with new partner programs, new staff members, and exciting new grants.... read more →
COLLABORATING WITH PARTNERS TO MEET UNIQUE NEEDS “I am confident that our partnership with Community Tech Network will improve the quality of life for our seniors, both physically... read more →